
Russia can have their fun now, but I am sure the Chinese will tell them to cut it out. Why the Chinese? A trump presidency tanks the world economy, and all of that money they have invested in the US... becomes a lot less valuable.

GOODWILL? You don’t even know what it’s like, to suffer year after year. I will burn through that goodwill, then piss it out. If I get to have a hat, with the WORLD SERIES LOGO AND THE CUBS LOGO... I AM GOING TO PLOTZ! SO WILL MILLIONS OF OTHER CUBS FANS! WHY? YOU DON’T FUCKING KNOW!

Why are you voting for Jill Stein? Good lord. Watch John Oliver from last week, before you make a goofy fucking decision... like that time I voted for Bob Dole.

Yeah. You’re a millennial. You need to understand how the world really works, and this sort of thing is nefarious on multiple fucking levels. When we did it. Guess what? Just as fucking scummy. Also, these emails reveal NOTHING, but how the sausage is made. That’s it. You need to realize, that Hillary Clinton is going

IF you like it, then good for you. It’s going to die on the vein, because the world is not about this. It’s just not.