I'm in my mum's car, vroom vroom

Somebody wasn’t greased.

Yea, depends how much he lost. My right arm ends just below the elbow, so I designed this

This is fine and everything, but once you’re past level 5 you’re not likely to seek help anyway, because what’s the point? They can’t do anything for you anyway, right? When you get to that point you just don’t want to waste people’s valuable time with your mental garbage and worthless presence.

Thank you for saying this.

“No braking” is remarkably accurate for Tesla

This is terrible for this man and other people like him, but the problem isn’t with Uber, it’s that a medallion is $700k. This artificial economy has always been problematic. There are also issues with ride sharing, but the answer lies somewhere in the middle, not protecting this outdated system.

2019 models had it moved to the seat for controls on the optional AMG specific sports seats.

I believe that the red is ambient lighting, which you can choose to get or not, and you can change the color. I’m not a fan of the aluminum trim, but like all Mercedes, you will have multiple choices. I’d go with matte finish wood.

At least they got the exhaust tips right this time.

I agreed up till I had to rely on valet parking for a bit and they kept moving them...

You say that as if video evidence isn’t SUPER valuable in a situation like this.

I’m glad there were other witnesses on the scene who detained the fleeing suspect until the cops arrived, unlike worthless Matthew Santoro whose priority was to film the incident for Twitter likes.

You mean the incredibly practical and simple interior layout? I bet that Hyundai logo on the steering wheel is in the actual centre, too.

Ok, but this doesn’t say whether this car is a Team Edward or a Team Jacob build. Sooo if you could let me know and then I can decide if I like it or not.

Little short toots are for people not paying attention at a light. This is a “psst” or “excuse me”

I love no longer needing to turn the key to start my car. Fight me.

Bean counters identified $0.000022/car cost savings.

For six figures, you’d like your 4x4 to have a likely less powerful, certainly less reliable, and much harder to service engine?

The Bentley one is just brilliant.