I'm in my mum's car, vroom vroom

I do not want the Fiesta ST

The S8 is so stealthy he didn’t even see it in your post. Mission accomplished, Tom.

Also, do you think we could get a “where are they now” style update on some of these “what should I buy” posts? It would be cool to see what they actually went with!

It’s ok if you just read all the other recommendations and not mine. I thought we were cool but I guess not.

I don’t want you to be right, but I am afraid you are.

*Reads headline*

To the man’s house who does...

so many porn jokes...NP btw

Holy shit and it’s left hand drive!

Conservatives in October 2016: It’s just locker room talk!
Conservatives in April 2018: This lady comedian is so vulgar!

for the sake of some pretend-drama on a Netflix show

I’ve owned two Mustangs over the years, as well as a Chevy Corvair, the car that the Camaro effectively killed. As such, I acknowledge the Camaro’s existence, but that’s about it.

If you are on a highway entrance ramp PUT. YOUR. EFFING. FOOT. DOWN.

When people do not pace themselves appropriately entering the freeway from an exit ramp to make a smooth merge into traffic without disrupting the traffic that already has the right of way.

That cop lit him up just to get him to move out of the left lane?

Mango Mussolini

I would have to want a BMW to want to drive one..........

Murdered out is the laziest aftermarket styling.

This should be called the Hissy Fit

As a former ES250 owner, I won’t buy this. I’m not 70. But, I’d like to have seen Lexus go back to the frameless doors like in early models. This could have been their “coupe” sedan thingy to combat ze Germans and their “coupe” proliferation plans.