I'm in my mum's car, vroom vroom

Bah humbug.

Anything by singer

It's rare that a car company will build a running prototype of a car, highly publicize it, and then decide that it isn't worth building.

Talk about a crack in the windshield!

Proper sightlines are now illegal in Europe. It's more important that pedestrians survive a crash than you be able to see them in the first place.

Why is it acceptable to have the tail lamp work triple-duty as a tail, brake and indicator light? It's confusing and it looks cheap. Even Audi does this! There's so much real estate on a tail lamp so why use the entire damn thing for all duties? Why not separate sections?

Agreed. I hate the red turn signals. Makes me think the person is just hitting the brakes a lot. I definitely don't notice it very quickly. Actually had a police car cut me off because I didn't know he was trying to get over. This is especially annoying in stop-and-go traffic.

Can I say what I wish was mandated? Amber turn signals on all cars. I know that many people don't bother using them at all, but I find it easier to notice a turn signal/hazard lights when they are amber. It coincides with the use of flashing yellow traffic lights for warnings.

The European pedestrian impact regulations have really played havoc on the styling of many new cars, including making pop up headlights impossible.

Thank you Buzz Killington! lol

Is this site seriously being trolled by hundreds of 20 year-old college co-eds? The Mk3 Jetta is a shitbox! It looks like a Rubik's Cube with most of the stickers peeled off. It's the opposite of reliable and well-built.

The day has come. Jalopnik staff endorses stance. Repent, heathens, for the end of days is upon us.

There are professional asshats too.

Life in prison for people who go slow in the left lane.

They even dressed it in virginal white!

If it happened in Tejas, he could claim affluenza.


Bargin you say? Z06 disagrees:

This should be enacted in every state, tomorrow. Send a picture from your phone showing your speedo and their license plate to the fuzz and they mail them a ticket. A nominal fine say, $10 bucks per ticket will dissuade these idiots from fighting the ticket but when they get dozens of them, over time, their pattern of