
You are into some really really bad games. You’re super casual.

Kotaku UK knows even less about games than Kotaku US. Remember when they posted that Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void is a prequel to Heroes of the Storm? This list is fucking stupid.

But you’re not actually a voice actor, are you? So you wouldn’t really know.

“I’d have to publish it in Q&A format. I told them that I’d love to do the interview, but that I couldn’t agree to a condition like that, as we at Kotaku prefer not to let outside parties dictate how we publish our stories.”

This ad was payed for by Blizzard.

I hope it is too. I’ve been wanting VR since I was a kid, but this VR headset is going to be very expensive and only work with the PS4 and nothing else. Which means very few people will buy it so I don’t expect them to support it long term and feel like I would be wasting my money. If it was like the 360 controllers

Weird, I just bought two very very good Vita games that came out just this year and am planning to get more I missed recently. I mean, all you have to do is look on Gamefly’s New Releases, Coming Soon, and Most Populer sections to know you’re very very wrong.

American’s don’t even know what MMO’s and JRPG’s are. This game is neither.

Further proof to you ignorants that this is not a Final Fantasy game.


Reading is hard for, isn’t it? Or do you have a comprehension problem? I knew a few people who were illiterate growing up and that had a really tough time. Stay strong and try hard and maybe you’ll be able to make out what all these weird symbols mean.

1) The GamerGate stuff you’ve read is probably one sided propaganda. I’ve yet to see equal coverage of that whole situation on any of these sites or much of anywhere I visit.

Should have beat the kids dad in front of him like in True Detective. lol

Ban UFC fighters!

It’s likely going to be pretty expensive and be limited to the PS4, so I doubt many in the mainstream would get it. Now if it worked on PC like a 360/XBOne controller then it might be worth it.

No, they need to fire that asshole.

I rarely ever visit Kotaku, and all the Gawker sites are Adblocked and mostly NoScript blocked. And any time a Kinja Deals article has something I want to buy I don’t use the link from the site so they don’t get their % cut. Used to keep io9 whitelisted from the blockers but they’ve been going to shit this last year

Hmm, that Luchador suit makes that Pikachu look like it has downs.

Are you that mentally ill kid with the One Piece avatar’s new account? You keep saying dumb things that he would say.