They’d throw a fit either way.
They’d throw a fit either way.
Not surprised. Third world countries tend to be way behind the times.
Uh oh, Goka is triggered!
Wasn’t aware all the Brazilians in existence were in SF.
BRB gonna go tell women who dress this way in RL to go change because they are being ridiculous and sexist. How dare they not wear burkas.
I agree with the article and hate weak minded people that are loyal to brands, but about the Wii U bit... Nintendo has a lot of exclusives that people love so it’s pretty much guaranteed that they would release games people would want on the system. Xbox One would have been a good example to use after all Microsoft…
House of Five Leaves? Oh no, that’s one of my favorites. ; ;
I noticed this years ago. Great job Slowtaku.
Because that would take away an Acti-Blizz article. That’s like when they ignore good new games and gaming news so they can write about more Acti-Blizz garbage for that payoff money.
I like 343’s direction with Halo so I’m glad they left. Halo 3 wasn’t very good. Plus the new one being made’s director is the main vision behind Republic Commando which is very exciting. Finding thet out is the reason I bought an XBO last weekend.
We know, you read Kotaku.
Stating facts is fanboyism now? I bought an XBO last weekend and what he says is very much true. I own a powerful PC and a PS4 and in comparison to them that console is crap. It has noticeably poor graphics and AA. It has ads in the dashbord which is disrespectful to the people that gave them money. It is very slow.…
Just because Acti-Blizz pays you to hype and promote their games, doesn’t mean Destiny is successful. lol
Should have voted for more voting.
You have no evidence to form your opinion. It’s just mindless fanboyism.
Kotaku UK is even more incompotent and ignorant of gaming than this Kotaku, so I doubt this is true.
So do you just get payed by Acti-Blizz straight up for these articles, or do you get a small %? I’m curious about corrupt payed off bloggers. You really should write an article about it.
Nope, they’re still great and hold up well. I played them for the first time a few years ago. I was never much of a fan of Fallout 3/NV other than them being sandbox RPG’s like TES because I found 3/NV bland, but Fallout 1 and 2 were incredible and made me love that world.
Probably shouldn’t be playing games at all really, casual.