Get Hiped!

I’m in the Midwest, and geese love to make a nest in some foliage within a few feet of a sidewalk. You are just gingerly walking along and WTF GOOSE NOISES LOUD BEATING NOISES FEATHERS EVERYWHERE FLAPPING WINGS TRYING TO GOUGE MY EYES WITH FEET HEAD TRAUMA WINGS THUMPING MY HEAD IT’S EVERYWHERE RUN RUUN RUUNNN!!

Bruce Bowen?? Wtf? How did he get in that list? He’s horrible.

“racist eaters”

Don’t count out the old guys. True story:

Play of the Game should occur AFTER the voting. Whomever gets the most votes gets to see their best play of the game.


Don’t argue with this guy anymore. He’s either a moron, has never played with a good Zeny, or (more likely) has played with a good Zeny but runs off and dies and then yells “OUR HEALER SUCKS!!!”

Most groups suck balls. A good Zenyatta is a pimp. He doesn’t need to heal as much either, because he’s increasing damage to (strategically correct) targets all game, meaning your tank (and others) are taking less damage because shit’s dying quicker.

As someone who enjoys Genji, I learned quickly - ATTACK THE PURPLE GLOWING ENEMY.

Yeah, I don’t understand how as a healer we can be “on fire” for 90% of the match, yet can’t get a play of the game. I’d much rather see a healer doing work for 30 seconds, healing multiple players and escaping death instead of ANOTHER Torbjorn where he is sitting in one spot hammering his turret while it kills, or

I see what you’re saying, but that game is what it is. If you’re pushing for all FPS games to have a single player mode, then that’s another argument.

They do it because it gives them respect. If you are great at a game then players will start to befriend you, they’ll want you on their team, you’ll get invites from clans because they think you’re a great player.

I’ve been on both sides of your argument.

It’s like going to a backyard game of American Football where everyone agrees it’s tag - and you pull out pads, cleats, a helmet and start crushing people. It ruins the game for everyone else who agreed to the rules set.

Announcers during the game just said that the organization has a player vote to see if he gets a ring or not.

So, I clicked on the “Casper” link in the first sentence, curious as to why it was “the best mattress for everyone” and the link seems to be broken. It says “I must be a member of the blog”.

So, I clicked on the “Casper” link in the first sentence, curious as to why it was “the best mattress for everyone”

I’m pretty sure the driver didn’t see the cyclist. He obviously just realized he needed to get over one lane so he could make a quick right. Probably remembered he left the iron on or something. With potholes and stuff these days, it’s hard to tell what you’re running over.

Two children went into a bathroom. They agreed to have sex. More children came into the bathroom and watched and/or participated. No one (so far as we know) was forced to do anything. It was a horrid scene that children should not have to witness or be a part of.

I’ve been an extra. They get paid shit. The cost of the food they feed us (which we eat after the union actors are done so they don’t mingle) is probably more than our pay.