
He will have to destroy the rest of over 65 million of us who voted for Hillary Clinton.

Wow. Trump, Pence, and DeVos should all resign.

I knew that because she didn’t have any wires attached to her in the opening and then jumped off as if it were a bungee cord but the camera cut to her gliding down.

I honestly have no idea because he signed two things that day but only one EO appears on the website.

Your daily reminder that Trump can’t read:

Trump doesn’t even know anything about the orders he signs when he signs them.

Trump doesn’t even know what he’s signing when he signs it. He probably can’t even read.

I’m glad she is a mother first, but she is a birther second:

Hop on Twitter and search for “racist,” then search for “asshole,” “racist asshole, and “putin.” And Let me know what common twitter account pops up every time.