
So basically Trump claims voter fraud because of racism. He needs to go!

I knew it!

Sign this petition!! Musk you need to sign too!

Someone might have no idea what’s going on and they’ll stumble across an article or a website that mentions these petitions and it might open their eyes. This the only way I’ve been able to “contact” the White House so far, but I’m open to new and all other ideas.

The same Glenn Beck who runs The Blaze, with its star talent news anchor Tomi Lahren? As long as he’s still writing her checks, he’s sleep to me. GLENN 👏🏾 BECK 👏🏾 IS 👏🏾 NOT 👏🏾 WOKE!

We need super hardcore for example, tax returns, to make sure we get a better glimpse into his business dealings.

Yep. It’s crazy going back and forth between “dang I should feel sorry for her” and “well she’s a birther” so I just bounce back and forth between those sentiments. Or just wish no one cared about them.

Also sign the petition

DO 👏🏾 NOT 👏🏾 FEEL 👏🏾 SORRY 👏🏾 FOR 👏🏾 HER!!!

It’s okay Tom. Just ignore them and when you get home tonight, sign this petition.

One tweet I’m not embarrassed for people to look up years from now is when we successfully get Trump to release his tax returns.

Drain this swamp

Alternative facts from the alternative-right. Ahem: SIGN 👏🏾 THIS 👏🏾 PETITION! He needs to resign.

It may not make a difference but it’s just one more outlet to educate people who may not be aware of what is going on. I’m doing whatever I can as an ordinary citizen to help.

GET HIM OUT!! Sign the petition:


Hey y’all!