
I had a stillborn full term baby, and I do not get it at all. I don't understand how that could happen. The hospital helped me pick out a nearby funeral home and sent the body there. And then we picked out a casket and a burial plot. Or we could have had her cremated, which is a fine choice too that is much less

Help! A vendor at the farmer's market sells peanut products

#3 is pretty much the only ACCEPTABLE item on this list.

ok #3 is understandable though.

Omg so sorry you are confused. To clarify, this IS really stupid. But also, 95% of midwives are white. Extremely white private schools on the west side of LA have vaccination rates as low as South Sudan. I was not "going for" "first-world." I meant white.

Also specific cities - I think NYC (and even specific areas of NYC) may not be representative of the entire USA.

Have you seen the New Zealand recreation of this video? She only got stopped twice and once was for directions. So....

Judaism =/= a race

Well, not all Jews are from the middle east....also not all middle easterners are Arabic, so......

I'm Latina. In NYC I get catcalled A LOT. And it's mostly by fellow Latinos. They can be so gross. I don't know if Latinos catcall more women in general, or just fellow Latinas, but I found it disappointing when I moved to NYC. They're so shameless and disgusting. I felt kinda betrayed because back home they know they

One of my good friends got a teacher pregnant in high school. She lied about the father (it was obvious to anyone whose it was, I can't get into specifics, but there were some very telling physical clues). She moved away and took his kid, and it broke him. He was fucked up for so long, and still suffers from terrible

That's the spirit—never give up!

Troll smarter, not harder!

Uh, no, stop believing everything r/mensrights or whatever equivalent tells you.

No, they don't.

"In ancient Greek mythology, after the great flood, Deucalion and Pyrrha repopulated the world by scattering stones throughout the earth. From these stones emerged people; from these people grew the world. It's a myth, but its opposite is possible"

Who's to say that's a myth? I think Stone Scatter People Theory should

It's also a color photograph - not even an autochrome - so there's that.

I think we can all agree that Russian-Armenian miscegenation is the root of all evil. I mean, good God, who wants to see Armenian man-nose on a little girl? Thank you, extremely-limited-worldview-Barbie, for giving voice to the downtrodden.

Best thing about that picture is the bendy water cooler.