
God damn it, no. No, no, no, no. We have gotten way too isolated from actually driving our vehicles.

It's fun watch folks drive who have become over reliant on back up camera's.

oh NOES, not a slipper slope!! What is that anyway? A mountain of moccasins? A barrage of bunny-slippers? Sounds terrifying.

OK, then shit bothers me too easily.

Feds require cars have rear cameras after 2018 because auto manufacturers stopped caring about things like "outward visibility".

I don't hate rear-view cameras. They're useful. I hate spending money on things I don't need. I don't need a rear-view camera because I'm not an idiot.

You kidding me? Country folk ain't dumb. Country folk invented bluegrass, the best music that God-fearing America has ever produced. Del McCoury baby.

"But why build one of them fancy-shmancy monorails (MONORAIL!), with their one rail, which has only worked at Disney and in Seattle and kinda-sorta-but-not-really in Las Vegas," you ask. "Surely a normal, wholesome, God-fearing railroad with two proper rails is as good for Nashville as it is for the rest of America?"

Ask CNN. They might suggest "black holes" swallowed the driver up...

4) Werewolves... as they are famous in London for causing havoc. Just ask Warren Zevon.

especially if that slope is another HUMAN BEING YOU RACIST.

Now, what if, just what if, they were actually talking about the slope of the bridge?

In today's news, Ferrari acts like a bunch of jerks to their fanbase. And in other news, the sky is blue, the grass is green, and the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Ferrari should've just traded him a 400A for the site and called it "Ferrari gives a fan a Ferrari for starting a fan site!"

You can't say that the driver was going slow in the left hand land without knowing her speed. Its entirely possible she was going the speed limit or above and he was still being a douche. Its happened to me. In the fast lane, going 85 and still being tailgated despite going faster than any of the other lanes, on top

For $12K, I want the actual night sky. All the right constellations, at the right time of night, right season, and right latitude. Is that too much to ask?

Potentially the realest thing

UGH you suck America.
