Gestapo Librarian

How many times did you want me to mention it?

I actually am a minority here, and Santino can eat shit. 

Let us all join together to rejoice that the replacement driver will not be Santino Ferrucci.

Because I can find a lot better 4WD trucks I’d rather drive for that kind of money

Around these parts those videos are evidence of reckless driving and more.

Same here. Surprised it isn’t the norm when you literally post evidence proving your guilt.

YouTube took down my hobo bludgeoning videos under some trumped up, terms of service nonsense.

Wha? Finn’s story picks up directly from the end of TFA. His establishing motivation is his obsession with rescuing Rey over the needs of the Resistance, a character arc that was set up in TFA and is developed, subverted, tested, and ultimately paid off in TLJ when he finally fully commits to the Resistance after

Rose Tico should have died saving Finn when he tried to sacrifice himself during the last part of the second movie. I think Rose should have showed Finn his value as a soldier and as a leader, even though Finn keeps beating himself up for being part of the First Order. (Also, I don’t want Finn to be a sanitation

I look forward to that day when the rewatches start and people figure out TLJ is a capitol “M” MOVIE, with themes and arcs and actual characters, and not just a sloppy bucket of callbacks and fanservice.

Finn’s arc should have been from reluctant rebel to discovering he was a symbol and inspiration to other disaffected stormtroopers to a full blown rebel leader who inspires a popular revolt in the First Order against Hux and Ren that helps tip the scales in the finale.

Poe’s arc should have given him the opportunity

Regardless of anyone’s feeling about the character, what they did to Marie Tran in particular was extraordinarily fucked up. I’m furious for Boyega, too, obviously.

Predator 2 and Ghostbusters 2 are, imo, both excellent sequels that get very undeservedly panned by people.

The only real issues I have with Predators is how long it takes to get the Predators, and Topher Grace being woefully miscast. He’s great throughout the majority of the flick, but his turn toward the end does not land at all.

Requiem is terrible, but it goes for the throat in being just as nasty and mean-spirited as it

Predator 2 is great, Predators is really solid, and I have a soft spot for AvP Requiem.

Click through this slideshow and find out!

Don’t worry, I just called 911 to tell the hospital to prep the burn unit.

Isn’t that what’s become of Jalopnik?

Eh. It will likely still make me chuckle. Seamen had some funny moments.