Gestapo Librarian

Equating KISS to The Beatles is heresy.

Still better than Spirit Airlines. 

Pretty sure the RS6 Avant is the closest we will get to an RS6 Avant.

this car will fly you to the moon before anybody figures out how this website is supposed to function

What is more useable between this off-road, or trying to use this website with ads every 3 sentences and pop ups?

Someone parked their McLaren on my street the other day. And it was really confusing, because I don’t live on a racetrack. I thought for a second that I should leave a note telling him to stop using his car in a way that didn’t adhere to its ultimate intended purpose, but I decided not to be an obtuse hypocrite.

Read the details of his ad, it’s an incomplete project that he’s tired of dealing with. There’s also no details on the type of transmission it has, the work done to it, engine work, or even if the engine is a VE or P-pump.

Okay, but this one doesn’t even work right!

We’ve reached the same cataclysmic event as porn.
Paying for porn or new cars is so impractical, those markets are now shaped almost exclusively by people who don’t know wtf they are doing.

this post would make some sense if Erik hadn’t been referring to the Model 3 when he said that Tesla went public to fund development of a product that didn’t yet exist, but he did, Tesla did, and this doesn’t.

The new Q3!  Tada!

I have to vote ND on the new Google Form. Forcing us to click a link to see the results, bah.

On a car of the right vintage, with the right style, a chop can look pretty cool. To wit:

Challenge Accepted.

Most definitely!

I have 12,000 miles and a Seattle winter on my 2019 Lariat FX4 4-door Ranger, it is near perfect for me. I live in the foothills outside of Seattle and there are 3 steep grades between work and home, incline of over 10% in my neighborhood. I traded in a 2001 F150 4X4 5.4 engine, 3.55 gears and limited slip differential

It’s funny the way consumers and journalist demand standard features like infotainment and proactive safety features and then act so shocked that making cars more advanced costs money. I mean, you aren’t wrong, its obscene the way car prices have ballooned but that’s less to do with manufactures and more to do with

Constantine is a really good movie. It’s just that the main character isn’t John Constantine. He’s some dude who is named “Constantine,” but has almost none of the actual characteristics of the comic book Constantine. Which, again, doesn’t make the movie or the character bad — hell, this is one of Keanu’s better