Gestapo Librarian

How is it annoying? Because you can’t tell the driver by the car number? The halo now obscures the helmet even more, why worry about helmet design.

I hope you left off the sarcasm tag.

Wow, you feel a 1,000hp custom race car wont be representative of the base stock supra! Next thing you know you’ll be telling us you think the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas is a miniaturized replica not representative of the real thing. Or maybe you want to tell us the Nascar Camry isnt representative of a stock  camry?

Do you normally comment on subjects that you have zero curiosity about?

Oh, I’m so afraid of big man diesel blowing his dumb fucking soot at me. Really got me there! 

Rich guy Bradley has a backyard. Lives next to fancy Kristen.

No, no. Garages are for parking. The shop in the back yard is for working on stuff. 


You do realize he likely isn’t even remotely serious, and makes jokes and does Trump impersonations all the time, right?

See, many of these comedians have said things that humorless cancel culture types find offensive, and the only answer is to CANCEL them and ruin their careers. Mostly, it hasn’t worked(fortunately), and that’s what she’s referring to(bitterly, I might add).

You know what the worst kind of person is on these forums?

The costumes are neither poor nor cheesy.

Well in that case, this is a terrible Star Trek show then, ain’t it?

Knobs forever! The fact that we’re replacing tactile features for something you can only control by looking at it while you click is not only annoying and unsafe, but completely unsatisfying. If I wanted to play on my tablet I would have stayed on the couch!

Mk 7.5 manual owner here. Yes on the power. Yes on the plaid. Yes on the manual. NOOOOOO on everything else! Especially touchpad screens instead of knobs and dials. GAH!

Automated driver aids are banned in F1, and something that automatically adjusts toe angle on the fly would almost certainly fall under that banner. See Renault being disqualified for a race last year for an automated brake bias system.

Did you plan on buying a used Mercedes F1 car before this?

While the ban seems incredibly harsh, and there’s an argument it sets a heavy-handed precedent

While the ban seems incredibly harsh

This truck was built for stupidity. People who bought this new are the same types who wear Oakley “Thin Blue Line Edition” sunglasses, and refer to sex in very aggressive terms. They don’t make love to a woman. They crush some pussy. They pound some poon. They slam some ham.