
They've already settled the argument of what is and isn't a knife

I'm pretty sure they're both approaching the "A paycheck is a paycheck" school of acting, just from different directions.

Based on the other people I've met who don't own a smartphone though, that's pretty much the exact opposite of a secret group.

So this is an Avatar situation where everyone watched it once and then immediately forgot about it, right?

In England they're called "tarts"

Ending in a Scooby Doo style reveal where they think they've finally caught Biggie's killer, but then they pull off the rubber Tupac mask to reveal none other than … Biggie Smalls?!

See, you say that, I but I can promise that you've heard the whole thing in 10 second snippets through the windows of cars in traffic and blasted at 900 decibels out of clothes stores that dickheads work in.

I guess after finding that there are still people this angry about minor gay characters, it shouldn't be so much of a shock to me that there are also still drive-in movie theatres.

I never really considered it before, but "related to Amy Acker" is kind of the role Emma Dumont was born to play.

Luckily, the mathematics portion of the Citizenship Test is limited to knowing how many stars there are on Old Glory.

But the "menace" part of "Yellow Menace" would have been needlessly antagonistic towards his constituents.

I've found that the embarrassment factor actually helped me quit - first the e-cigarette weaned me off tobacco, and then the desire not to look like a total prick weaned me off e-cigarettes

I mean, it's sensible in the short-term from a purely pragmatic perspective, but public perception is a pretty important part of business too, especially in the entertainment industry.

If he's anything like my goldfish it just hangs out of his ass for a while, then breaks off and he tries to eat it.

Really, the most cruel part of that witches curse is the way that every now and then he'll think he has a shot at regaining his reputation as a respected character actor before the mass of scarves once again reasserts itself.

Not to distract from the larger point you were making, but Yuri Gagarin was kind of amazing.

It's nice that, with period drama, Amy Sherman-Palladino has finally found a pretty iron-clad excuse for why a show she's making will feature no black people in speaking roles.

Well at this point I guess they do have more in common with each other than with anyone else - it'd actually kind of make sense that they might fall in love.

Contrary to his coverage, the power of love has made way more than one man weak, although his estimate as to the number of people it's made sing was accurate.

No, just the one Bunnyman.