
People don't get it. The filter only makes you a little darker than you would otherwise be. This is Snapchat supporting… what's a way to say "miscegenation" that won't make people freak out?

Racial unity.

"Your Uncle Gob seems to think that he saw you down at the cemetary today. Was that you?"

Great Minds is pretty funny sometimes. And god knows, if you were going to name an idea that sounded stupid as fuck on paper

Jesus. When fucking Pitchfork gives a Radiohead album a 7 out of 10 you know it's a bad Radiohead album.

Millennials, am I right?

He's got great hair.

"Today's audience" is basically constituted of the Dean from Animal House and some wealthy dowager countesses.

That was all the other movies

They already know, baby!

Is that fanfiction? …did I just read and enjoy fanfiction?

"There's something wrong with what my Jump Street Sequel says."

Or in the case of Jimmy Page, both!

I'll have my muppets made of felt or I won't have them made at all!

Issues of representation for Australian actors in AV Club Newswires rear their ugly head once again.

Maybe it'll be good.

Not unless we rastify them by 10% or so.

"You know the thing about a Muppet, he's got… lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye."

You'll need to narrow that down more.

I've finally caught up on my binge and now I'm watching week to week.