
Bragging that more people than just her were harassed doesnt exactly give you the moral high ground.

Fair point. I meant that being married and having kids isnt necessarily proof of being well adjusted. I probably shouldnt have also tried to be glib about it at 6 bottles deep.

Yeah, you need to wait for the revenge-leaks of her hacked private photos for that.

I know, right? I mean, you're a little late to the news, Gamergate started like a year ago, but it's pretty depressing all the same.

Great Job, Internet is minutes away from posting a passionate defence of the Jim Crow Laws

Actually it's about ethics in video games journalism

And with a weirdly AV Club username too. If nothing else, this guy did his research.

It means bracing fresh air, stretching your legs and masturbating furiously, dammit. Not even the internet can take that away.

That doesnt really mean anything. If the socially maladjusted couldnt breed there wouldnt be any of them left.

It's like saying that the Magnificent Seven was a bastardising of Seven Samurai.

I realise it was a typo, but "furyher" is pretty appropriate in the context.

The AV Club headline writers are looking into a shockingly underserved Google Analytics search category.

It was the Christmas elf costume he wore in the Santa episode in season 1(?). The same one with James Bailey's first appearance

It just seems that way because nobody on here has ever actually stopped masturbating.

It is. But if you can wait, new Christmas themed pornography is less than a month away.

Nah, when the oil dries up and they coast on their Weirdly Specific Theme-Park money.

I dont know. Will the Titanic have a "Sex with young Kate Winslett" experience?

Then why did you bring up college with regards to police make-up?

I mean, I've met plenty of cops, and you're right, they do have a range of personality types. I havent met any of the ones that have actually killed people, though, so I can't really speak as to how varied they are. My gut assumption would be that there is a little more uniformity in that particular grouping.