
The best thing I learned on my Ulysses course in college was that my professor apparently had a 20 year standing argument with another ulysses scholar about whether or not 'ate with relish' was referring to the condiment or not

Probably would have been Kerouac, if that's not beating a dead horse comparisonwise. In terms of live horses, Tom Robbins might do a decent job. Or Tim Seibles, if he wanted to break out of poetry.

People like steak, but McDonalds isn't going out of business any time soon

Wait, you think these guys might not be on the level?

Guys, come on. I'm trying to write serious erotica, not juvenile smut.

In my spare time I tinker with a sprawling epic about the erotic adventures of a woman in her early twenties and the pixies which live under her floor. It's mostly just a sort of madlibs of "He climbed into ________ and writhed" dressed up with flowery language.

That confused me too. According to AskJeeves it's some kind of websearch tool.

"You've changed man! It used to be about the green goo!"
- Hurls whiskey-bottle -

"Smithers, have REM killed." - Lorne Michaels


I could live with Beiber going on an around-the-world yacht triptrip for a year or two

Nah come on… man, some straight like you giant stick up his ass all of a sudden at age what 60 he's just going to break bad?

Lead single from the album "So Are the Rest of Them"

"I'm not an asshole. Most of the people who agree with me are, but not me, no sir!"

Maybe he's from the future and without this kickstarter he would never be able to come back and say that?

I mean, it's still not an original screenplay. But baby steps, I guess.

Balderdash. You fail to take into account the possibility, for one, of their widower father remarrying. Your supposedly safe assumption is unsafe, Sacrilicious! Unsafe I say!

Look at the picture! Arnie's wearing a Hawaiian shirt! Only two types of guys wear Hawaiian shirts! Gay guys and big fat party animals! And Arnie doesn't look like a big far party animal to me…

Is she working on Taystee's review show?

Hindsight's one thing, but how would you feel if someone had spoiled you about it?