
One suggested change to the chart:

@ria2: Yeah, the HTML method is what I've had to do in the past with Office 2003.

@Heliophage: Ha ha. Yeah, I was momentarily confused too.

I tend to agree with a lot of the commenters on i09, from when this same comparison was made a couple weeks ago:

@sqlfanatic: Part of the free speech movement at Berkeley in the sixties. I think he did a little too much LDS.

@dhuff: I agree. The good news is that today (Aug. 6) you can grab the full 6.5 version from GiveawayOfTheDay.

@labbla: Yeah, it's just another gimmick for the Wii, the novelty of which will wear off after about an hour or 2 as with every single other Wii "casual gamer" game.

Here's the equivalent for your digital camera.

Balgojevich is INSANE! So basing a game on him is an excellent idea!

@The_Foo: I too would like this question answered! If Crave are trying to convert our children to Islam through subliminal messages in baby games, then I want to know!!

This had better not affect my beloved Kingdom Hearts in any way!!

€250 for that set isn't too bad ... but I'm still going to wait for something better to come along! :P

Being a teenager by myself (I'm 18 ... I'm still a teenager! Don't you take that from me!), the teenage protagonists seems very natural for me but I'm not sure I'll feel the same way when I'm 30 (I shudder at the thought of it). Still, the target market for these games IS teens so it's unlikely to change any time

That's really hard to believe. Japan has double the population of the UK and one assumes gaming is bigger over there because 2 of the big three consoles makers originated there.

I adored the first DS Mario and Luigi RPG even if it was a bit too short for my liking. It was insanely charming and a lot of fun. It never got frustratingly difficult yet was always satisfyingly challenging. Pulling off this balance is presumably a tough job (because so few games seem to get it right!) and I

There really is no show like a Final Fantasy show. No other game dazzles in every respect like FF does! I can't wait for this game, though I must admit that I think the art style hasn't really gelled ... yet. It all looks a bit awkward and it's not as distinct as FFXII's world, or even FFVII's. I'm sure this will go

I never would have suspected Crave and Nintendo were terrorists. Well now we know!

Who moved the commas on my keyboard? Here's an actual link: