I raised this question a few days ago - thanks for asking Kotaku! Enquiring minds needed to know!
I raised this question a few days ago - thanks for asking Kotaku! Enquiring minds needed to know!
@IcoSotc: Yeah BRIAN.
Shameful as It is; I will likely buy whatever bullshit they parade in front of us in the next few hours.
This totally reminded me that I picked up Pikmin II for the Wii last week. I'll need to unwrap it!
It reminds me a lot of other games like Fracture and Singularity, where there was a nifty little idea running behind a terminally generic title.
Hopefully you can eat that Yoshi.
This is one of the reasons I purchased a PS3 all those years ago. I hoped that one day we'd see this rumour come to beautiful fruition; and now it's nearly here.
Mission accomplished!
While trading in L.A. Noire today, the Gamestation clerk asked me if I'd be interested in pre-ordering Modern Warfare 3 and Gears of War 3. I politely declined, stating that I'd probably be giving them both a miss. He released a large sigh, arching his eyebrows and commenting "Well each to their own, I suppose".
@NinjaMarion: Hey - calm down.
I'm showing my noob-skills here, but can the PSP version be played on the PS3? I'm sure I saw it was for PSP only. If it's out on the 360 I'll probably snap it up.
I think it'll take a lot for people to get over the stigma of Bloodrayne. The game looks solid, and more light-hearted than Castlevania - so I'm willing to give it a shot.
I'd love this to be real, strangely it's something I would buy the 3DS for.
Disgusting breach of protocol.
Do all Uncharted figures look like Tom Jones?
That filter they've got over it doesn't do them any favours at all. Make it colourful and vibrant, it's Ridge Racer!
It takes as long as it takes, it's a pain in the arse but I'd rather they made sure it was all secure and fit for human consumption.
I believe that this kind of thing could happen to any company. No system is completely secure. While they didn't handle it well from a P.R standpoint, I can't be too annoyed at them. I certainly won't boycott their products because of this. It's a screw-up, and the sooner it gets sorted out the better.