There's so much negativity about something that's really nice and sweet. Christ, I've never wanted to be part of a gaming community less in my life. Good for 'em!
There's so much negativity about something that's really nice and sweet. Christ, I've never wanted to be part of a gaming community less in my life. Good for 'em!
@Rob: Yeah I think that's a slight exaggeration there, bud. This is a contest where you do stunts in a videogame. Nobody should be going apeshit about it. I'm not saying you were, but I just think it's a weird thing to get heated over.
Look at you all! "Waaah, this guy doesn't deserve the cash" - "Boo hoo, this didn't deserve to win" - Christ, just he happy for the dude and stop your bitching. Good for him, I say.
My workday is half-over, so If I start right now; I have a half-day too!
@Aileron00: Wow that's a completely ignorant comment!
@Luke Plunkett: It's done now, I'll need to get a pic up at some point today if possible.
A friend of mine recently had me design a Majikarp tattoo for him, which he ended up getting on his calf. The process of getting image references got me interested in the franchise, now I await Black & White with baited breath.
I don't care what everyone else says, I prefer the new Kotaku reviews. I think they afford the opportunity to be more creative within the review and express opinions with a bit more detail and flair. Hydrophobia looks like a decent enough romp that I'd be interested in if it were a little cheaper. I like a good water…
I actually let out a 'Squeeeee!" there. This is great news.
I love it.
The link to the story on the main page says 'robber' instead of 'robbed'.
@Archaotic: They are a company though, they are out to make a profit. They don't owe anyone anything. If they can make a bigger profit by exploiting a current trend, good for them I say.
Wait a second...pause the game!
Why is anyone acting like this is a surprising move from Lucas? Of course it was going to happen - if anything, it'll get some more kids interested in the franchise. Calm down, peeps!
@TheRealDoshu: You don't understaaaand meeee!
Squeeee! I want this, I want the 3DS and I want YOU to buy me one.
I think it's a mistake to take it all at face value, as in 'This was cheaper than that' - although I'm certainly no expert in economics, the actual prices themselves don't mean much when compared to what the Yen was worth at certain times. Still the 3DS seems expensive, yes. AGREED. THANKS
I can see this being a lot of fun if it catches on. Can't imagine many folks walking around with their 3DS in their bags, spoiling for a fight they cannot control. That said, the trailer made me laugh out loud when the guy locked eyes with the kid.
@NeVeRMoRe666: Whoa, whoa, whoah - don't feed the trolls! ;)
I've only ever had one alcohol-free beer, and while it wasn't bad - it felt like I was cheating somehow. I don't drink to get drunk, but knowing I wouldn't get drunk...