
For the record, changing your story every five days only works for presidential elections and not murder charges. Maybe he should shout, “Fake Evidence!” during the trial.

Someone on my Facebook said that after years of waiting it was a bit of an auntieclimax, which I thought was pretty good.

He’s having a tough time, ok? He needs the support of another elderly white man with dementia.

Asbestos was used for millennia. I’m puzzled by this “counterpoint.”

Huckabee isn’t known for his intelligence. GLad you recognize it.

1) Tweets are tech.

Never met with Russians

Former truck mechanic here, and brake specialist. (Although I haven’t done so in a lot of years.)

...modern designs that still are cooled by river water (because that’s more economical), and therefore have to be regularly shut down as heat waves make the water to hot for the cooling systems. It happens here in Germany every summer. And a little something called global warming means this phenomenon will only

It’s not just potential reactor failure, it’s the danger of nuclear waste fires spewing out huge radioactive plumes over densely populated areas. This is a current, critical danger that the government regulators of the industry have not analyzed anywhere near accurately, probably thanks to their cozy relationship

Trump’s twitter followers just dropped by 1/3

As the whining starts about the wisdom of spending money on space research/exploration while there are other issues facing India:

That is pure nonsense, Windows is not being written to behave openly hostile to other OS’s. That is stupid.

Realistically, what more can a dji do?

Trump is more likely to nuke San Francisco than North Korea.

It doesn’t rain for four years, the reservoirs all dry up, the Sierras get almost no snow, and your response is “build more storage and stop building mass transit”?

Let me guess: your solution to climate change is to just make more areas shady so people don’t feel as hot.

I thought it was named for our President:

You know the old saying: “When all you have are massive bombs, everything looks like a German town in 1943.”

I work there (here).