
If only we were sweeping...

Yes, she is basically say, inference is not science. If you want to call it science you need to provide real and honest evidence that fits your hypothesis.  Since there is really no way to provide that evidence no way to validate any hypothesis and at least his facet of evolutionary psychology is bunk.

Then there is this:

Turns out they had implemented that new system just before the acquisition. It was not introduced by Amazon.

Such an embarrassment. I guess we get the president we deserve, a reflection of the overall culture. We’re fucked... 

Have 30 or so people dressed in black hoodies and dark pants walk in as a crowd and walk out with a few hundred items all at the same time. That will be a real world test...

God, reading the transcript from Haley was like reading the stuttering utterances of a 12 year old. Is everybody in the Trump administration as linguistically challenged as he is? Meanwhile, they think it is a good idea to cut the state department staff because of, well, expertise.

Nazis had a platform and the world got to see it in its brutal, technicolor horror in the middle of the last century. Most of the world pretty much got the message. It doesn’t bear repeating.

The NRA hasn’t explained the other amendments to them yet, so until they get the message they don’t know.

NK has chemical and biological weapons, nukes and 10,000 artillery pieces in range of Seoul. On the US side, there are 3 aircraft carriers, an unbilled number of nuclear armed submarines, dozens of aircraft and 30,000 troops stationed in South Korea. If there is war, hundreds of thousands of people, and probably

Interesting, Donald Trump will have allowed more people to die in Puerto Rico in the coming weeks than immigrants will have killed in terror attacks in the US in its whole history. Well played king little hands.

I can’t even imagine how this even got to be a thing. This is equivalent to tagging or branding cattle. Why not get a tattoo on your forearm? Voluntary today, an employment requirement for new employees tomorrow. Sounds like the perfect solution to Trump’s voter fraud nightmare. How about them pesky immigrants,

Good for you. Maybe if you had half an education it would make a difference. Clearly the little that you do have has made no substantive impact.

You really have no idea what you are talking about do you. Some of those isotopes remain radioactive for 250,000 years. They don’t become “lead, bismuth and iron” in those reactors. In order for pellets or rods to become hot the uranium or plutonium has to be intensely purified and concentrated. Far beyond what

Zero evidence to support you wrong supposition. Next...

Well played internet!

My guess is you have an infinitesimally small world view and little practical experience in what you do have. It is true that Word is shit, but Google Docs is worse. Probably 90% of the world’s word processing is done on some version of Word. Does anyone like that fact, probably not, but it doesn’t change the fact.

China is not anxious to have 20+ million refugees streaming across their border if we decapitate their government, military and infrastructure.

Exactly. Trump is his own media network, thanks to Twitter.

Nürburgring (get it?)