
How did they know their customers were in the dark? Light sensors? ;)

Now Trump can make awesome tweets and all will be forgiven.

There is one billionaire (if he really is one) that I say we should send sooner rather than later...

Probably ought to read a biography of him first before exposing your ignorance to a worldwide audience.

Too late...

He would hate to throw out that phone that Putin gave him. It was such a thoughtful gift...

Probably half would work...

Donald’s hair is way to orange to be the joker. Only his hair dresser knows for sure...

I hate it when that happens.

A traditional and well used con man strategy.

No place is far enough away.

I have an XPS 13 2016 model with an i5. It is outstanding except for the trackpad which is mediocre. If they did improve it for this model year that will be great. I love the weight, size and ruggedness of the machine and the screen is fantastic. I find it as quick if not quicker than my i7 XPS desktop.

A 250 meter asteroid would probably create quite an earthquake in the area it struck, depending on the depth of the water, the proximity of the impact to faults and other geological formations as well as the proximity to land. The threat of tsunami caused by the mutating crust due to impact could be very real.

Yeah, way more important that losing the country to some immature monomaniac.

There is this:

You must have missed last Tuesday.

You mean returned the money we froze from Iran in 1979 and have been collecting interest on for 36 years. Grow up and learn to read.

Yes, this Narukawa map is clearly a rip off of the Dymaxion map. Nothing to see here. Apparently no copyright/patent rip off in Japan...

Don’t ask this question here. The proper forum would be Yahoo answers...