Deckard was human in the book!!!
Deckard was human in the book!!!
Doubtful... given that land speeders hover when parked. Anti-grav tech must come at an extremely cheap power cost.
Expecting logic from Star Wars designs.... not a good thing.
Sadly... which is why they look like crap. CGI looks like crud compared to gold old practical models the original trilogy.
Tie Striker is a dumb idea.
Mainly because it’s a design we never see in any subsequent film, despite looking more modern than Tie Fighters, interceptors and bombers.
Star Wars version of Rocket the Racoon?
Star Wars has long had this problem of discrepancies of scale in their ships. I ignore it. The designers also really need to look into functional ship designs. I know we’re eschewing things like inertia and physics, but a lot of the ship designs make ZERO sense other than being cool.
By the way.... in the book Deckard is human.
Yes, but the book is very different. Also, in the book Deckard takes a VK test with Phil Resch, the other bounty hunter, and is determined to be human.
Except Scott didn’t write it. That would be Hampton Fancher, David Peoples.
Um, no. Now whatever Hampton Fancher or David Peoples says... that closes the discussion.
People are forgetting... the 4 year lifespan was a programmed feature, not a requirement. It seems to me that the 4-year gene could be turned on/off at time of “conception”.
I also argue that Deckard can’t be a Nexus 7.
He was already a semi-retired pro called back into service, and then briefed to learn about Nexus…
REALLY - when the point is that replicants are so advanced that they could become human and developea conscious and soul?
Ahh, but if Deckard was a replicant, he probably wouldn’t be a Nexus 6, as he was briefed about how new they were. So it’s logical that Pris/Zora could have beat him up. It’s also obvious that replicant or not, he was taught not to hit a woman.
Not really, and 3 million of her votes are confirmed illegal immigrants in CA. Those votes shouldn’t count.
Once again, someone get Maddie laid. She’s soooo backed up.
I just turn them. If you don’t take command of the world around you, you’ll always suffer. I’ve also yanked other people’s stuff if it’s ridiculous like bags of merchandise or coats.
Um, no they aren’t. A person is limited to a single carry-on and a personal bag. It’s never been different. Stop complaining, you special snowflake.
I always thought she was Ren’s twin. Granted I know the books are not canon, but I figured they took the idea from the books of Han’s and Leah’s children being force-enabled twins.
That dude survived unhurt.