People still use HOME?
People still use HOME?
@Strangelove: This is why SOCOM remains the king of all multi-player games.
Got these and they rock. /thread
@D-K, Anarchist: Yeah, those work... so long as you don't enjoy true colors.
This should work fine for the NVidia 3D vision...
Funny, my download of LBP for PSP worked fine. LOL.
@Koztah: WHat's wrong with 4chan? LOL. #modernwarfare2
@lolgreg: Ironic really. I turned to console gaming when my PC got too old and archaic.
IS it me or does that look like a Sega Genesis game? #avatar
@knwldg: Really?
@jandlecack: Killzone only deserves a semi high-score because it introduced some amazing graphics to the PS3 console for FPS games.
@Vecha: One more Month: I loved San Andreas' jet-pack and aliens. Very in-line with Rockstar's sense of humor.
@mabadaba: GTA Definitely got it's score from being a legacy. I got bored with GTA 4 after only a few missions.
@Spycrab!: HUH?
Not exactly boycotting.... just spending wisely.
All this time for yet another GT game where you can't steer.
This movie looks horrible!