This just convinced me to buy Socom for my multi-player fun, until Battlefield Bad Company comes out. #callofdutymodernwarfare2
This just convinced me to buy Socom for my multi-player fun, until Battlefield Bad Company comes out. #callofdutymodernwarfare2
@M*A*S*H: stand back fool, I've got a server browser!:
No matter how sexy the main character will be..... the game looks like crap. #bayonetta
@Atomu: Rumor was, this was to be a 360 exclusive for 2 years, as they were going to completely re-write a new engine for the PS3 versions anyhow (which would take time), as the 360 version was just an upgraded port of existing tech.
Question: Does anyone really care about this? I mean, as a HUGE fan of both Vice City and San Andreas, I made it through about 1/3 of GTA before becoming completely bored by the repetitive chase missions, etc....
I hate Claptrap. I hate Borderlands. #borderlands
Funny, the bit-torrent version I downloaded this morning works perfectly.
@omgwtflolbbqbye: I got bored of Civ4 pretty fast. It's good, but nothing compares to Civ2.
They need to make a PSP emulator for the PS3. #psp
@JayUnreal: I'd love BC just for the SOCOM series. I don't have my PS2 anymore, but still have my discs.
@Greg Rassam: Homeworld 1 & 2 blew chunks. You can keep # 3. #fallout3
@Superspecs: They did that with previous versions. The best was the original. I have RR-3d for PSX, and it's all sucked up.
That looks so bad-ass. I WANT.
This game looks like complete crap for either system.
There is nothing more ghey than Sony's "HOME", except a HOME avatar with claws.