Memo to Mr. Pearce: thass not love.
Memo to Mr. Pearce: thass not love.
As long as NH’s State University pretends to be a football factory instead of a school, this is what werwe can expect, along with massive costs to ‘stay competitive”.
First Avery now Ward....can Ron Duguay be far behind on the police blotter? #MSGValues
Because Bettman!!! Fire him now. And...too much Gretzky as Jordan...really no comparison!
Which one? (And only one?) If it were not for abortion rights the Dems would have collapsed 20 years ago.
So what. She is a grown woman in government for 40+ more excuses pleaseplease.
Would you split as many hairs for anyone else? G-d help us all the enablers have stopped pouring drinks and started spilling ink!
Puts the stINK in INK.
Why do I see that as Money! Money! Money! ?
Except as Secretary of State she was supposed to be using government servers, you know, for our protection...
Or, she has been lying the entire time. How long before her lawyers argue the definition of “all”, “work”, and “related”?
High yellow is easy mellow.
Yet...when you win you win and when you are France, you lose!
This was like watching mean adults against kindergarten children. Are there no qualifying matches, or is Ivory Coast in a host exemption?
Ruffian’s owner concurs!
Ain’t nothing wrong with running the horse until it drops. He must have great insurance! RIP Alydar
Odder still: annulment isn’t a legal thing, but a religious dissolution. Good luck in the fyutcha, folks.
Don’t see anyone being fired! Pensions, everyone!! Disabled, too.
As with MTA: Get ready for some hearts and initials scratched into all that “clear” glass.
Now it’s click-masterbate? Awful work here!