
It’s funny you say that, because isn’t that exactly what you’re doing? It’s pretty sad that you have to resort to flagging someone’s comments even though you’re the one being a dick here. Maybe you’re the one that needs something better to do in life other than being a bitch to people that don’t understand why

Yeah, I was expecting a little more of a connection myself.

Nice snark, but it’s not the everyday reader’s fault that the headline is presumptuous and, frankly, stupid.

Someone Put Harambe In Street Fighter, Because Why Not

Counterpoint: no.

Well, he’s Donald Orangatrump. Perhaps he wants to build a wall around them?

It benefits the animals because when people see them then people are more likely to give a shit about them, and support conservation.

I took a test, and scored well enough to be accepted. That is all. Your reply echoes my sentiments. Perhaps you are the problem?

I’m in mensa, and I enjoy world class zoos, because I understand the work that they do. Not all Zoos are good like that though, so you do have a point, even though it is misguided. With such an obtuse point of view, have you ever stopped to wonder if maybe you are the hick, and not those that support animal