
Higher price for a better machine with more features... Yes, perspective, indeed. Or maybe you don’t understand the issue?

surface book can be used as a standalone tablet though. Plus it has great stylus input. It’s basically Macbook brother from another mother

“No. Why would you need such a thing on a laptop?”

It’s funny you say that, because isn’t that exactly what you’re doing? It’s pretty sad that you have to resort to flagging someone’s comments even though you’re the one being a dick here. Maybe you’re the one that needs something better to do in life other than being a bitch to people that don’t understand why

Yeah, I was expecting a little more of a connection myself.

Nice snark, but it’s not the everyday reader’s fault that the headline is presumptuous and, frankly, stupid.

There is a lot wrong in this article, not to mention questions with mostly self-evident answers.

Dafuq? Gamecube was actually more powerful than PS2 and Xbox, by a decent margin. That was really well known at the time

Did you even read the article?

Great job on this article! Because this is totally the kind of vapid rat droppings that made Gizmodo great! Please, more self-promoting political commentary from know-nothing young attention-grabbers, it’s awesome! And that picture at the top isn’t an assault on anyone’s eyes at all! .

The problem with being a night editor at Gizmodo media is it makes you stupid.

Is that how you get out of arguments, by just stating what kind of argument they’re using and not address what they’re actually saying?

Someone Put Harambe In Street Fighter, Because Why Not

Apple fanboys and apologists make it sound as if Apple is doing us a favor by making us spend even more for no real benefit. They are doing it to make their users buy new headphones, for which they will reap great financial rewards. Most people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between an analog and digital

Counterpoint: no.

To be fair, Jurassic Park did use the current science of the time, and they've made small tweaks since then, but ultimately explained the differences being because they're genetically engineered theme park monsters. That works for me.

Actually “A ranking that wasn’t just Casey Chan reposting a video” was the biggest surprise here…

There were plenty of people who felt it was great up until Deathly Hallows, and she screwed it up on the last lap.