Gerry Ringwald

This episode show how clearly this show has fallen from the great heights of its first season. The show now has so many fictional characters (e.g. Masters and Johnson's imaginary offspring, like Tessa) and some many not-based-on-fact subplots (i.g. the various completely made-up sexual adventures of Libby for one)

This review of "Two Scents" is good and insightful. But the fact remains that these dramatic conflicts are, for the most part, fictional. These back stories and new characters are made up by show runner Michele Ashford, and not based on the real-life adventures and struggles of the real Bill Masters and Virginia

To me the show has been going steadily downhill (with brief moments of brilliance) since the season two began. The first season stuck to the main story of interest…how Masters and Johnson became "Masters and Johnson." You know, their real story. Since season one ended, the show-runner Michelle Ashford (who I hold