
I like Instagram too, and I'm 45. :)

And I'm wrong because.....

You know, I was about to get really pissed off at all these posts talking about how evil the white lady jurors are. I mean really get offended at the notion that the jurors being women had anything to do with a shitty case presented and the overall tragedy on the incident.

In your post I kept reading "I..." "I..." "I..." And that's this is what we're trying to say. IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU. I't about about your whiteness and to stop pretending that just because you posses a vagina, that you are not complicit in a system that just said it's legal to be gunned down for being black. We're

As a non-white woman who has been in feminist circles - this isn't a surprise. I've seen white women constantly give white men a pass for their awful behaviour while demonising non-white men and especially black men at the merest hints of sexism. Look at this site and its publishing of Hugo Schwyzers articles.The

Hey, fellow Gen-X! It's okay...most of the millennials I know are pretty keen on advice and stories from their crazy Gen-X older sibs and friends. As we are the weirdly ignored generation, we have a chance to sorta skulk around the edges and be entertaining and maybe a little enlightening. Also we tend to bond over

I would seriously LOVE to spend 5 years travelling. But I don't have the money, I like stability, and I'm terrified that I'd come back after 5 years and be ready to settle down/make adult money and no one would hire me due to being a wanderer for so long. Like, seriously terrified. I want to do crazy exciting things

This is just Facebook anything....from being sick, to engaged, to studying, etc..... Everyone seeks external validation. I really am so glad I'm not a part of it anymore; I like that people don't know things about me unless they take the time to talk to me and can't just look up my information as though I'm simply a

That's not even the correct version of Excalibur - Mirren was Morgan Le Fey (caled Morgana in the film) in the 1981 film. BOOOO to whatever that video is.

How cute is her little bob?!

I always applaud friends who occasionally post that they are going to the gym, or that they have lost X pounds, or completed a marathon. BUT!! I have too many friends that go overboard with it. We KNOW you like to go to the gym, and that health is important to you. But you have to post everyday that you are heading to

He could develop some fucking self-control. Oh, right, that's too much to ask from a man. Seriously, acting like men are just runaway penises with no responsibility for their actions is insulting to me, as a man. I work and have worked with tons of extremely attractive women, and I've never had these kinds of issues.

Yeah, I am also confused by "number of blowjobs you've given." Is that actual number of blowjobs, not number of people you've given them too? Does anyone over the age of 16 actual even know/count that?

I had to stop when I got to the '5 kissing partners and 5 oral sex partners,' because huh? Does that mean a good girl gives oral to all the guys she kisses, like it needs some kind of symmetry, or that there is an equivalency that must be observed? "Well, I kissed you, so now you get a BJ *le sigh*"

How big do butt cheeks have to be before they count as actually existing in physical reality? I'm just wondering if I "really" have an arse or whether it's purely theoretical.

However, it IS my experience that it's usually men who go all the way to the top (bottom?) of the ladder, while the women tend to cut themselves off before that

I basically just said the same thing in my comment. I have a booty on my small frame, and those things just go straight up my butt so it looks like I am wearing RiRi's denim thong. Those shorts are for flat booties and flat booties only.

I'm a lawyer.

THIS, THIS, THIS! I can't complain about having a shitty day to certain 'friends' because the first thing out of their mouths is "oh just wait until you're a mom" or "at least you didn't have to deal with a screaming 3 year old!" I mean, I can't win. I don't even want to win - I just want to be able to talk about my

I think the point is, calling parenting a job downplays its difficulty. It keeps women from asking for help, it allows men/the non-primary care-taking other partner to slack off on parenting responsibilities (because I already have a job! I pay the bills!), and it subtly enforces the notion that there is only one