
I always applaud friends who occasionally post that they are going to the gym, or that they have lost X pounds, or completed a marathon. BUT!! I have too many friends that go overboard with it. We KNOW you like to go to the gym, and that health is important to you. But you have to post everyday that you are heading to

He could develop some fucking self-control. Oh, right, that's too much to ask from a man. Seriously, acting like men are just runaway penises with no responsibility for their actions is insulting to me, as a man. I work and have worked with tons of extremely attractive women, and I've never had these kinds of issues.

Yeah, I am also confused by "number of blowjobs you've given." Is that actual number of blowjobs, not number of people you've given them too? Does anyone over the age of 16 actual even know/count that?

I had to stop when I got to the '5 kissing partners and 5 oral sex partners,' because huh? Does that mean a good girl gives oral to all the guys she kisses, like it needs some kind of symmetry, or that there is an equivalency that must be observed? "Well, I kissed you, so now you get a BJ *le sigh*"

How big do butt cheeks have to be before they count as actually existing in physical reality? I'm just wondering if I "really" have an arse or whether it's purely theoretical.

However, it IS my experience that it's usually men who go all the way to the top (bottom?) of the ladder, while the women tend to cut themselves off before that

I basically just said the same thing in my comment. I have a booty on my small frame, and those things just go straight up my butt so it looks like I am wearing RiRi's denim thong. Those shorts are for flat booties and flat booties only.

I'm a lawyer.

THIS, THIS, THIS! I can't complain about having a shitty day to certain 'friends' because the first thing out of their mouths is "oh just wait until you're a mom" or "at least you didn't have to deal with a screaming 3 year old!" I mean, I can't win. I don't even want to win - I just want to be able to talk about my

Do it! I swear, I'm never ever growing my hair out again. I don't know why I waited so long to do this. It's super cute, easy to style, and acts as a built-in douchenozzle repellent.

I think the point is, calling parenting a job downplays its difficulty. It keeps women from asking for help, it allows men/the non-primary care-taking other partner to slack off on parenting responsibilities (because I already have a job! I pay the bills!), and it subtly enforces the notion that there is only one

I have three kids and I hate the whole bitching about labor and nursing bit. I know for some women it's damn hard, but honestly, for me? It was overrated. I had easy labors, nursing was only painful and difficult for a couple of months, and all in all motherhood is NOT the hardest job I've had.

Ditto. As a (not old) woman who just got a pixie cut and is LOVING IT, that guy can stfu. A bunch of dudes I know are all whining that I cut my hair instead of growing it out, cause they like girls with long hair. I'm like ya, and I like dudes who respect my personal choices, so I guess we'll cancel that date we were

Being a mother isn't a "job" anymore than being a wife or daughter is a job. Not everything that requires putting work into it is a job. When my parents are a lot older, I may have to do a shitload of work to care for them, but that won't make my being a daughter a job. I think calling motherhood a "job" is also

Oh god, can we just not? Please? Because this only ever ends one way. The people with kids will turn into instant sanctimommies, all like "If you aren't a parent you will never understannnnddddddd!!!!!" and the people without kids will be all like "Why can't I apply for maternity leave when I get a new kitten, cats

Agreed. I was looking at someone's profile the other day and thought he seemed incredibly interesting — and then realized his "looking for" age cut off was about 7 years younger than him. I fell into that age range, but still didn't contact him, because EW.

No, but if you're that age and behave that way, is it impossible to believe that there are women your age who are the same way? I'm also constantly mistaken as being 5-10 years younger than I am.

So I recently made an OKCupid profile and there are plenty of men out there who just come right out and state their preference for women who are at least x years younger than themselves. Huge red flag and while I am open to dating older men I would not go out with a man who won't go out with a woman his own age.

Dont get me started on PP. it used to be my fav show after i stopped watching Grey but they messed it up when they wrote him and Kate as a couple. They messed up their xters and made him out to be selfish and Kate as a woman that cant be alone for a second. Then, how can anyone not want to have a baby with my Kate aka

For reaaaallll re: offensive compliments. I'm an English PhD student, and this week a guy at a restaurant near campus asked me if I was a fashion major (?!) and when I told him no and asked him why he'd assumed that he was like "You just always look so nice when you come in here." I'm sure he meant well, but I think