Gah, pretty women shouldn't work! That explains the comment by another politician towards a female reporter, which was "Why are you lookin through documents, pretty thang?"…
Gah, pretty women shouldn't work! That explains the comment by another politician towards a female reporter, which was "Why are you lookin through documents, pretty thang?"…
I've so been here. "Girl reporters, stop asking that we treat you like reporters, already! I can't be sexist inside my OWN office, obvs."
It is unfortunately tied to self worth a lot and it fucks up and pollutes the sex so so very much...That's why it feels like there's less pressure when I have sex with women. In either case, I may not get there, and it's fine, though I do more often with women but that's anecdata, however the difference is that for…
"I've found that to be frowned upon." I'm sorry but I laughed at this, and not in a mean, you're a bad person way, just a "Oh, isn't sex funny and what people think is okay to do sometimes" way. Yes, people don't like their head being grabbed without consenting at least to being manhandled. lol.
I'm with you there. One of the things that was worse than not having an orgasm with my partner was his fixation on how I didn't and his statement of it every time afterwards and then his complaining that I was "a difficult one" or that he didn't have the skills to please me. What am I supposed to do? I have all the…
That is a great comparison. I find it sad that in order to reach out to men people feel they have to make women's rights about ease of fucking instead of I DON'T KNOW, seeing women as human beings who deserve rights? Because in their minds, men can't care about women just because they're friends with women, and have…
"Your kid is embarrassing you in public? Calm the fuck down." I had the opposite, as many teens, but now I'm proud of the moments my mom yelled "Fucking Shit!" at the top of her lungs when dropped peanut butter on her foot in the grocery store and then turned to the old man gawking at her and said "Yeah, you got…
And apparently he was walking around acting normal with two small bandages on his head, wasn't bleeding, declined being taken to the hospital..I'm not sure I believe that it was as severe as that. But I don't know, maybe he was being a hero by declining hospital treatment, just like he was being a hero by going after…
It also doesn't mean "Do that."
It doesn't make him a saint, but you don't need to be a saint to deserve life instead of being murdered by someone who followed you for no real logical reason.
He didn't feel threatened in the he should have stayed there. What a novel idea!
Ugh. I'm not one of the harsher people on Jezebel but if you think race has nothing to do with this, you're dense. I see the number of people who were involved so I won't make an argument I know as already been made.
OH MY GOD. I was kind of "meh" about Corgis and then I saw THESE. WHAT. GIMME.
They don't care about us amoral atheist city slicker women who live in apartments so small that we spend little time in our shabby neglected kitchens. I live with two men and one woman and it gets cleaned every 6 months it seems, and I mean thoroughly not swiping the countertop or stovetop with a wet paper towel,…
I also dislike how characters often get these makeovers (not just Hunger Games) that warp the author's original intent BUT I have to say that personally I find the fact that she's beautiful and has razor teeth much more unsettling than if she has been more muscled and not conventionally attractive and had razor teeth.…
Same here! Only it was for canvassing for Senate campaigns. More tiring than it sounds.
Yes, because having your parents pay for you to remain jobless is quite the opposite of emasculating! Gosh, I was tempted to ask my parents for money after 6 months of unemployment, but I resisted and took a shitty job instead. Very feminine of me.
Yes, I don't know why this is so hard. My father went through this. He's very evolved in a lot of ways but when he was unemployed or working part-time doing manual labor (manly work I know) he felt powerless because he made less money than my mom, or at least he said that to her. He admitted he didn't feel he was…
I love to hate-read David Brooks but sometimes it feels too easy! He's inside a bubble inside a bubble inside a bubble. I doubt he has even spoken to a low-income white man, not to mention a low-income man of color, in the past year or so. And by speak, I mean to have a long conversation with about what's "happening"…
I like how she's okay with admitting she does not know or care about basketball or Michael Jordan because a surprisingly large amount of people are insulted/confounded by my lack of interest in and knowledge of sports.