I don't want to confuse you too much after dunkinchunkin's advice, which I'm sure is good, but for me I find someone who is much less outgoing than me, and by default I turn into the outgoing person because I realize someone has to fill that role.
I don't want to confuse you too much after dunkinchunkin's advice, which I'm sure is good, but for me I find someone who is much less outgoing than me, and by default I turn into the outgoing person because I realize someone has to fill that role.
Meetups maybe? You'll find people with similar interests.
Same here, I was red, got tired of the maintenance and switched over to light brown and soon blonde. It's just getting the brassiness of the red out that is going to be a pain.
Yes, it's a pretty popular look. I think either red, platinum blonde or a darker brown look good on pale ladies.
They describe Jessa's hair so well. I always been jealous women who have perfectly disheveled hair. Mine is always too controlled or it looks simply disheveled.
Women are definitely just as involved in perpetuating these stereotypes, and then there are people who are just jealous of others whether they're men jealous of other men or women jealous of other women. It's hard to tell which this fits into. I know that whenever I first come to a class/workplace situation, people…
Hmm. Kind of like how women have to respond by being interested but not too interested, passive but not dull, having an appreciation of humor but not actually being humorous. Being intelligent enough to know what he's talking about but not smart enough to challenge it. Dating sucks.
I wasn't assuming you weren't. I was saying that I don't know why people get so upset about it, unless someone blew smoke in their face.
My feeling is, it's your life, just don't blow smoke in my face if you can help it. There is a lot more affecting your health than just cigarettes. Some people will go through hell after smoking them for years and others are like my grandmother died at 86 in her armchair after she got up in the middle of the night to…
You're pretty sure it's a lot more often for men...why? You're a man and you know your stuff. Fine. But I'm a woman and trust me, I know mine. I would never say "Men just don't like hamburgers as much as women. I don't know why, it's just that women have more of a sudden need for hamburgers because we need protein…
Wow, she still finds you hot after 11 years? Great.
Yeah, it kind of confused me before context set in. Then I played the video and saw they basically look nothing alike except high cheekbones and a similar haircut. The power of blur.
They're COMPLEX.
I concur heartily sir. Dayum.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who saw that woman and thought she was Claire Danes' character in Homeland before reading the headline? Anyone?
Yeah, I don't know enough about it to really speak to the health pros and cons but I must eat meat, at least twice a week or I feel faint. Maybe if I were better at meatless meals and substituting protein it wouldn't be that way, but as is, I need at least a tuna fish sandwich and chicken-involved meal every week. I…
You're right. I have no idea. I see plenty of women criticize other women's bodies on here, and I thought the OP's words sounded like they would come from a woman with the preface of "Women shouldn't be judged but..." But I shouldn't have assumed.
What I'm wondering is, if you think those pressures are bad, why do you think we shouldn't try to overcome them? Rebel Wilson is known for her brand of comedy. She is being celebrated for that, not her beauty, even though some people, not weird fetishists but some normal people, will find her attractive. Isn't it good…
LOL. This again. She has the "right" as in free speech, yes, you are correct. Cookie for you. I mean that she doesn't have any credibility or reason to think she speaks for every person and their preferences, which she was doing by talking about a magazine daring to feature an overweight person on its cover in a…
What I object to is suggesting all overweight people are lazy and that all skinny people have self control, as the original poster suggests by saying "I'll never call someone who never bothers to pick up a book intellectual." How does she know that an overweight woman she has judged as lazy isn't working her ass off…