I always thought that natural selection was quite harsh on that woman.
Dong insult people's names, man. Have some respect.
But Amazon Canada is still the dumps...
Let me ...cup it for you, with my especially strong, calloused right hand.
Roosevelt and I can be wrong.
Very cool.
Coz he paid the cost to be the paws.
I... I didn't find it funny.
He's CHU-ing the competition, that's why they hate.
Ubisoft better WATCH out next time.
Less Snake, more Quiet.
That's the city with the Alamo fort, right?
Who is him?
I wish I had the finances to live in NYC, just for one year, for the overall experience.
Somebody buy this Renoir masterpiece from MY affiliate link please, this will net me a nice 32 000 USD commission at Amazon's lowest commission %, thank you.
Like grinding for better grades, if we stay in the video game context (hey yo).
What a nice way to start the day!
Still respectable.