
You hear that, Steve??? Oops, he can't...

He's not a 1%er, most likely a 0,01% one. I'd be happy to have even such a percentage of his fortune.

Is Ace Attorney unblockable?


Still makes my eyes water.

That kind of crime deserve the slow and most barbaric capital punishment of the feared crucifixion.

Euro porn >>> American porn. Honestly, because the women are mostly natural and better -looking.

Must... Not... Watch!

I had a total blast battling demons in Doom 3. It was seriously really, really good.

I was a massive SC fan when I had the regretted Dreamcast.

Looks like a peanut.

Got my first 50 hit combo (+ achievement). I can't stop playing and I should stop playing.

I'll hope my finances get better by the time the new gen comes in, and I hope I'll have what I call throwaway money for baubbles such as video games.

Catwoman doesn't mind having her ti... face seen by all? No mask?

Catwoman has a respectable physique.

More fruity bullshit.

It will be named:

Please make it INTERNATIONAL.

Only this unlicensed doctor can cure her at a massive price.

Future season pass?