
One thing's consistent: RE4 > RE5. To think that I wasted my Ninja Gaiden 2 copy on RE5.

I felt bad for Augustus when he was reminiscing of his pro ball days.

Haze skin set was mistakenly free on the Marketplace. I didn't take advantage of that mistake.

Now playing

Back in the 90s, I've seen people finish the excellent Revenge of Death Adder with one credit.

Morrigan cosplayer has quite a junk.

You honestly did well.

Is... Is that friend gay?

I would do it if BB would give the game for free for the first 10 people or so in the lineup.

What is the Windows' equivalent for the Final Cut Pro?

He's just stuck in the 80s mentality.

Aren't you an angry person...

FIFA football, you mean, not NFL. I like both but I only watch the 2nd half and the 4th quarter, hehe...

Never heard of Amnesia...

Yeah, I thought that was odd... Maybe he used the Gears console and it was still set to 4:3?

Game Trailers' o-face.

I vote for a future Akira motorbike racing/gang warfare Road Rash-style.

Kinda season pass-y.

Are earthquakes frequent in that region?

The baby sounds in Blair With are the scariest part.

I never found Alessandra Torresani super-duper attractive, "it" doesn't move when I look at her.