
Why didn't a multi-billion dollar company secure first???

I remember EGM magazine giving Game Of The Year to Legendary Axe back in the late 80s-very early 90s.

I love the Fist Of The North Star part.

Achievements maximize your hard-earned gaming dollars.

Dibs on Devilgirl.

Still waiting to have a random select tournament in addition to regular "choose your fighter" in future EVOs.

I wasn't honestly impressed with Silpheed, even back in the 90s.

If you're playing the fantastic game that is Dance Central and you see the msg saying "Feeling tired or sore, take a break", they're not kidding.

I think it moved.

Omega Rugal should boss the last level.



I personally like the mascots.

In the pic, who commands those 4 thugs?

When I played in the earlier RE4 levels, I saved a lot of ammo by shooting them in the knee and slashing them.

There was an option where you could combine selected articles from within the Gawker blogs ie you read Gawker, Kot' and (ball-scraping) Jezebel only, now you have to click on each website back and forth.

A series that ended too quickly at the fourth one, which was incredibly good, even played on emu.

Solo = overrated

Virtua Fighter vs Tekken is still the ultimate cross-up waiting to be made.

Blob-like dude is Abobo?