He’s not “keeping his campaign promises”; for that, he’d actually have to get something accomplished.
He’s not “keeping his campaign promises”; for that, he’d actually have to get something accomplished.
400mg is purely arbitrary and irrelevant.
You could have saved your time and just asked the question or click on my profile and read my comments on other posts — I’m not a conservative.
I did some research early this morning. Just under 5% of all Americans have net worths high enough to be affected by the death tax; just 0.2% actually end up paying.
Several years back, before the ACA’s exchanges came online, this very issue was discussed. http://www.factcheck.org/2013/05/congress-and-an-exemption-from-obamacare/
It cannot possibly be overemphasized, that Republicans in Congress are exempting themselves from the worst parts of their bill. There is a special place in Hell for this level of hypocritical selfishness right next to all of the self-enriching Christian evangelists.
Any tax change becomes normalized over the long haul. This is why you’d want to enact temporary tax cuts at the start of a recession and have it pulled back when the economy recovered. Otherwise, you’ll lose the ability to effectively use tax cuts to stimulate the economy.
The reason why Mnuchin is saying that it’ll pay for itself is because of the Byrd Rule. If a law is not revenue-neutral during a 10-year horizon, it cannot go through reconciliation and pass via a simple majority (51 votes) in the Senate.
“Automakers, however, seem to have their heads in the sand.”
It’s like I said 10 days ago...
Evil Week is half a year away, so I can’t properly disclose this trick, but if it were Evil Week, I’d tell you about a trick that I was taught 25 years ago.
Indeed, you are correct. The abstentions:
I couldn’t get to the site either, so I accessed it via the Wayback Machine: http://web.archive.org/web/20170322065245/http://www.kittenfeed.com/
Unbeknownst to the rest of America, Donald convened his Death Panel, hence, we have proposals to...
My solution was to move away from an arid region of the US.
The projection is 14M more uninsured than under current law for 2018, so the answer is an emphatic YES.