
Watching is only half the fun. Participating in a live-blogging discussion group is the other half. Following tweets of certain journos is also part of the package. I strongly suggest watching @sopandeb.

This year is different, though. The undecided + third party is running at roughly 15~16% of the political polls which is double that of most years.

You’re getting flak because it seems incongruent that anyone would have money to spend on enough wine to actually need a wine rack, yet settle for a DIY solution that is cheaply done.

I’ve heard the advice to try to gouge an attacking dog’s eyes out (ouch), or go for its throat if nothing else will work...

You mean a smaller kid by himself / herself? Dogs tend to visually follow a moving object, so upon seeing a dog or dogs approaching without a leash, throwing something away to the side would provide a temporary distraction, at which point, one could seek an inaccessible high ground by climbing a tree or pole, etc.

Yeah, I’ve tried to relate this to others -- that if a dog wants to attack you, you have to get nasty mean and angry and want to kill it with your bare hands-- to get that dog to stop.

No. I’ve come across many homeless people with pets who have been able to keep their dogs under control, and I have no problems with them.

Ooh, I have four incidences to relate:

I wasn’t going to name names, but yep.

Years ago I noticed that a couple of the major ice cream brands were also incorporating a lot of air even as they were shrinking sizes from 1.75L to 1.5L and now 1.45L. I stopped buying those brands, as the cheaper price was meaningless, and let’s face it, fat tastes better than air.

With the spring-loaded trap, I really wasn’t prepared for the squealing sounds that came after the trap had been sprung. It was like a death wail that went on for a few seconds after the loud snap. Then there was the matter of wiping down the blood splatter and disposing of the dead critter.

I’ve hated his punk ass since he essentially was pushed out of FSU. But what the refs allowed to happen, and for his coaches and team doctor to allow him to play, is just wrong.

But I do eat Spam and pineapple for dinner!

Apparently, according to Hipmunk, no one ever books a Thanksgiving / Christmas holiday to Hawaii.

I’m just curious: Now that Hulu has moved away from the free, ad-supported model, has anyone quit?

I would have picked Kirkland if it were in the poll, and here’s why:

I would have picked Kirkland if it were in the poll, and here’s why:

Big fan of Shapeways. But Peter, can you speed up bringing back full-color plastic?

The other part of the story is that for-profit (think big-2: Entercom, Clear Channel aka iHeartRadio) radio stations are building rotating playlists and using the same playlist across that particular genre station across the country to exclude the human cost of a DJ.

Hopefully, people have already enabled multifactor authentication in Dropbox, making it harder for people to use a stolen password to access Dropbox.

Perhaps it’s time to ditch (formerly Google) Sky Maps, but there’s no way I’m ditching the Heavens Above app for tracking “satellites”, the ISS and Iridium flares.