Do the Hustle. Your earworm for today.
Do the Hustle. Your earworm for today.
How many floors are you willing to go up and down, if the power goes out for an extended period of time? That’ll tell you what floors you don’t want to be on. Added bonus: At around the 10th floor, you’ve reached the top end of a the tallest fire truck’s aerial ladder.
The adhesive backing requires a dry, ungreasy body part to attach to. This is what I do:
I had some thoughts on this, but then it began to take on long form, and I didn’t want to hijack the comment thread with a very long comment. If anyone is interested, I blogged it, here.
It’s not exactly equivalent, but I use the Grammarly extension for Chrome. It drives me bonkers at times, though.
you’ll have to grind it up into a powder
They need to ban any retailer and manufacturer who sells bad cables, for a year.
Fair enough point, but a good number of Glass’ works have a generally steady dynamic range. Plus, there’s a lot of limited dynamic range stuff from Chopin, Elgar and Debussy. I’m thinking of building just such a playlist in YouTube.
It’s interesting to go over someone else’s classical music list, as it indicates one’s preferences and background. This one demonstrates a preference for string and piano weighted towards the Classical - Romanticism periods.
Summary: Once you get past the stupidity of your youth, you’re either going to die from cancer or heart disease.
It doesn’t matter what store it is, the last 45 minutes anywhere is usually the least crowded. The last 15 minutes resemble ghost towns.
The last one — exploring other points of view — is an exceptionally difficult challenge to overcome with our tendency to gravitate towards voices that we agree with. I only first understood and met that challenge when I was in college and I happened to take a class taught by a brilliant guy who went on to become the…
The NYT uses a bad analogy with negative rate mortgages. There is a wide gap between the market borrowing rate and the overnight Fed rate. Furthermore, points are another means for banks to make money off loans, so even if there were a nominal negative mortgage rate, banks would still not lose money.
#1 is technically correct but ultimately wrong.
I have a friend who just brought in a CR-V for oil service and they could not release it back to her b/c of the airbag, so they’re paying for a car rental until fall.
Halfway though I thought that the game was over because I pressed w for the white orange, and seemingly nothing happened, so I thought either the game was over or something went wrong, and started to scroll down to read the rest of the article, then thought maybe it really wasn’t over.
Speaking of Seagate and 4TB drives, have you looked at Backblaze’s most recent posting on hard drive reliability?
Speaking of Seagate and 4TB drives, have you looked at Backblaze’s most recent posting on hard drive reliability?