My 70 dollar Happauge USB HDTV Tuner has worked beautifully for me for well over 3 years now. Ran an antenna out to my fire escape and it's pretty goddamn sweet. I get PBS and any sporting event important enough to be on network TV in glorious HD.
Use Hauppage WinTV to stream broadcast tv to your computer (or cable or satellite if you subscribe). I installed a 2250 in my desktop computer and I use Windows Media Center to watch tv, but you can also use the included WinTV7 to watch.
Rice cookers aren't just for rice. Put the super versatile appliance to work making an epic pancake.
To be honest, my main issue with Windows 8 never had anything to do with what it was and more what it wasn't. If you think Windows 8 "ruined" Windows, you're just exaggerating and getting carried away. I used Win8 since day one and it worked exactly like it did before (minus a couple upgrade bugs that happen with…
Consumer research firm KPMG agrees. In its most recent report on autonomous cars, it identifies this transition from piloted to manual mode as the dominant snag in the program:
Just built an rfid car lock, unlock, and engine starter with an UNO. Thinking about posting it if y'all are interested.
Not unless I had a more desirable job already lined up...
The tech behind the lens blur feature is pretty cool. They're actually estimating 3D depth maps to create the appropriate blur.
Most ebook sellers try to lock you into a particular ecosystem. If you don't mind buying from the same company every…
Photographer Olivier Grunewald first learned about the Kawah Ijen volcano in 2008. A sulfur mine by day, this…