I’m well past the point of having any fucks left to give for anyone who can get vaccinated, but refuses to. If we lost a bunch of cops to COVID denial, I’d be lying if I claimed that bothered me. Might even be a net plus.
I’m well past the point of having any fucks left to give for anyone who can get vaccinated, but refuses to. If we lost a bunch of cops to COVID denial, I’d be lying if I claimed that bothered me. Might even be a net plus.
Someone needs to follow the money and see how much of a kickback these pigs see from the tow company. Not that it would matter as even murder doesn’t seem to come with consequences.
We can’t even get cops to get vaccinated despite the fact that the number 1 cop-killer over the past year has been covid. The word constitutional doesn’t matter to these people
The Sausage Egg Mcmuffin is superior to me, and also usually half the price...
The Scottish legal system has a verdict of “Not Proven”(in addition to Guilty or Not Guilty). If you escape punishment with a Not Proven, you have gotten away Scot-free.
I also won’t hold my breath.
I’ll wait for the right-wingers to start in on this lady for taking tons of money from the government for handouts, like they so love to do with anyone who’s not a rich white person and who gets any sort of legitimate benefits.
It must just kill these people that Michelle is more popular than anyone in the Trump administration. Who could have foreseen this? I don’t know.
That really should be $18,149.04 PLUS interest and inflation. Gotta get the grifters where it hurts.
To claim that it’s somehow so very brave to proclaim your Christian faith in the United States is just utterly laughable.
Doubling down on stupid decisions, so nobody would figure out I didn’t know what I was doing, was the story of my 20s. The fact that none of them left a permanent mark was a triumph of luck over judgement.
These Seinfeld references are GOLD, JERRY, GOLD!
I can speak to my personal experience being raised as Catholic, which is a bit of a different flavor, but no less severe. My mother came from a devout Catholic family. I suspect both of my parents were just horny 20ish people and so they had a Catholic wedding in a small town. I was born before their first…
I’ve also gotten, “Oh Mylanta!”
I was a consultant for a Mormon-based organization for about a year, with many trips to SLC. I cried during every flight home. The men dismissed me, the women dissed me (in the distinctly passive-aggressive way of women who aren’t allowed to overtly hold any power), and I spent most of the sweet, sweet cash I made on…
The big difference is that Mormons believe that only those who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood can get to the highest level of heaven. How do you do that? Well, you are a Mormon in good standing with a dick, ta-da! You’re totally a priest! If you’re a woman - better be married and sealed in the Temple to a man who…
Years ago I worked at a company that had a large office in Salt Lake. Traveled there many times. Mormons suck.
I've seen pork rinds in the chip aisle my whole life, all over the northeast and west. Whenever I've tried them, they feel already stale and styrofoam-ish in my mouth. Maybe the warm ones are the way to go.