
He must be really bad at his job. Electrical Engineering degrees are gold!

Who is that on her tshirt?

They’ve been talking about this movie for so long I thought it had already been released.

You mean Daril!

Not if you are Russian.

What actors can hold their breath for several minutes? Several minutes is at least three minutes. Even if you are motionless I don’t think a normal person can do that.

That would be Canada.

Can you be convicted of murder if there is no body?

Yes, I can see that. That’s the reason for all the irrational wars of choice. Training for the prey.

I would have started with lasers, eight o’clock, Day One!”

Chris Hadfield did a Bowie cover from the ISS.

He was too much of a pretty boy for me.

That would make both countries more conservative.

I saw it at the drive in. It was a double feature with Videodrome. Blew our minds!

SW is such a big property i’m sure the most ambitious/backstabbing/incompetent studio execs are falling over each other to be part of it and the result is a crap show.

I thought he got it wrong in the article. I always thought he said “when i left you I was but to learn”

Wow, I wonder how long it took him to come up with that name?

The look on Fring’s face when the Whiskerstay’s woman was giving her spiel made me think he was imagining skinning her alive while roasting her feet over hot coals.

Ultra Mind: The Greatest Evil Genius in the History of Evil Geniuses!!!

Yes! He very much had a late stage Brando look and dimensions.