
I just listened to My ex’s best friend and his audience is obviously 13 year old girls so I guess it fits. The area of tattoo on his body and the sappiness of his music seem to contradict each other.

I want to see a spinoff with weasel man.

the thing is, people in a pop culture comment section wishing death on someone they see as an idiot is meaningless and nothing to get worked up about. 

My Modest Opinions, we had the same joke and right after I posted I saw your post so luckily I was able to edit this!

Teams could coordinate their bell tones to be able to play little tunes.

If he was that kind of interviewer and it was that kind of show it wouldn’t take long before they wouldn’t appear on it.

I may have missed it in the discussion but it seems like raging at him at least shows his fans that not everyone agrees with him and that there might be valid alternate viewpoints. I agree it probably doesn’t help much. On the positive side, if someone (like lots of people here) think his opinions and the opinions of

I’m a parent and my kids were aware at a young age that sometimes women love women, men love men, etc. Hard to believe that in 2021 some people have a problem with that.

But China has millions of rockets that can destroy naval vessels easily.

I agree. Might as well remake Citizen Kane.

I think you meant to say “famine proof”

Plus it would be much easier to infiltrate the insurgent’s cells in the U.S. No shortage of native english speakers who are able to blend in.

“An act of generosity” says the guy who has made hundreds of millions of dollars from his generosity.

Wasn’t David Bowie doing this in the early 70s?

Perhaps it’s because, of course he can control their bodies, but to have lasting peace he has to change their minds. He could snap his fingers and do that too I suppose but maybe he doesn’t want to because he wants there to be free will. So maybe we will see him show 7k (and the rest of humanity) the error of their

To me it means that Angela is a size queen. He could have any size wang she wanted and that’s what he had so.......

Yeah, it’s like an Obi Wan situation. He just gave up and allowed Vader to strike him down.

The lead up to the head bashing scene unnerved me because it was ominous and she did it so well. Brought flashbacks of a couple of “we have to talk” moments.

Just like California Uber Alles was also about that theme of extremism being bad whether coming from left or right.

This is where the “socialism” kicks in. Unemployment compensation, retraining etc. Not too long ago a huge proportion of the workforce was in agriculture and making buggy whips. Somehow the economy managed to employ those people elsewhere. Point taken though. In the absence of that type of remediation, there are a lot