Don't worry, not everyone likes it (points to self).
Don't worry, not everyone likes it (points to self).
People hate Kristen Wiig??? Why?! Confused!
But...they already do this, they control every single meal unless you have your kids bring their lunch with them from home... Or do you control every single item on the menu of your kids' school cafeteria?!
You and I must be TV soul mates because you seem to watch exactly the same shows I do! Currently watching old seasons of Project Runway due to a depressive episode and not getting out of bed most days. "Andreeee" and his meltdowns are just so comforting!
I am white and I generally find Asian or mixed Asian men the most attractive. Any mixed race guy is far more attractive to me than a white guy, in fact. I also find German men completely unattractive even though I am 100% German, bred and born.
I am very sorry for your loss, internet stranger hugs to you! Yes, all I remember from 2012 is Gilmore Girls and a bunch of youtube videos from people playing video games. There was something so oddly soothing about watching them play and listening to them talk. Especially one German youtuber has the most pleasant…
Watching all seasons of Gilmore Girls on repeat is the only thing that got me through the worst phase of my depression in 2012 (and I mean...ALL of 2012, pretty much). It was one of the very few things that made me smile and not feel quite so crappy anymore about my life. Especially Luke - Luke just makes everything…
That's because they are untrained, not necessarily because they are obese. I am 35kg obese but can hike for hours, my size 4 friend who is a heavy smoker will wheeze and complain after 10 minutes of walking anywhere. I just think it's contra-productive to keep up the stereotype of the obese person who can't walk even…
Huh? I am quite overweight at the moment and go hiking almost every weekend. Not sure why anyone would need to lose weight to go hiking, it is perfectly possible to be active while being obese.
The whole "marrying someone to get some sort of benefit" thing is actually pretty damn common in New Zealand, same-sex or not. A few years ago students all over the country entered sham marriages because they got a better deal with their student loans due to a loophole in the law. There is even a movie based on that…
New Zealand is super open about same-sex relationships, so no need to move to Canada, cheers.
Marry him!
They probably believe it was "Big Pharma" and all those "toxins" who infected these children or something. I once had an online argument (useless, I know, sigh) with an anti-vaxxer who honestly claimed herd immunity was a "myth" invented by "Big Pharma" to force us all to vaccinate and make all of the money with them…
Now, if only someone would free us all from the assumption that it is a woman's job to do laundry... (I get your point though)
If anyone now starts telling stories of poisonous snakes wrapping themselves around watermelons and laying eggs in them I will SCREAM!!!!!
I'm not sure I would ever compare my yearly flight from NZ to Germany and back to a night out at the theatre. For one thing, the flight lasts over 30h, for another, seats at the theatre are actually often quite comfortable. high heels and fancy make-up for me at long-haul flights, even if they cost over 1000$,…
Nooooooooooooooo! Don't take away my grapes from me, I've just come to terms with never, ever buying bananas again, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Just a week ago there was a story about one of those banana spiders having been found in a German supermarket and now THIS! I love bananas, but I hate creepy, poisonous spiders more, so... It's lovely, harmless, spider-free apples for me from now on.
Fuck you. That is all, short and sweet - just fuck you, asshole.