
There were items with my name on them in this bag...It was so UNPERSONAL.

I'm not American either and I know this show. It was even shown on German TV.

I am torn between wanting to see this very badly and being terrified that I will ugly cry throughout simply because it will make me painfully homesick after New Zealand! Friends in NZ have seen it and say it is hysterically funny, so I will probably cave and watch it. Curse you immigration NZ for throwing me out of my

Especially when paired with "man who gropes."

No one is saying white women aren't complicit in institutional racism, least here on Jezebel. But the original poster makes it out as if it is specifically white women who support the racist cop, without giving any actual proof for this except the fact that the pictures here show women (which is pretty normal given

I can just TELL that this woman is going to eat a (low-fat, organic) yoghurt after she has made that bed...


Of course there is - the age of consent in the UK is 16.

Ugh, I hate all the smartphone filming going on during events! Last time I went to a concert I could hardly focus on the band what with all the raised smartphones being waved around awkwardly everywhere. Just watch things WHILE THEY HAPPEN, people, for God's sake!!!!!!

Was thinking the exact same thing! Most sensual and wonderfully adorable wedding kiss EVER!

But that doesn't make them less attractive, to me OR you, apparently!

Oh, someone illegally stole pictures of Elba's junk and posted them without his consent then? No? Then this is not the same thing.

Yes, because gay men don't exist, apparently.

Oh fuck right off with your "the menz have it bad toooooooooo!" bullshit, asshole.

There is a difference between a gossip story and private pictures of your nude body being leaked without your consent. You're pretty pathetically disgusting if you can't even grasp that basic difference.

"Everyone does it, so why shouldn't I?"

They were private pictures taken for these people's private usage, they weren't shared on the internet, someone hacked and stole them. Who the heck are you to tell others how they should or shouldn't enjoy their naked bodies???

And the clothes!

"Harassment against anyone is awful" is a sentence that needs to stand by itself. If you qualify it with a "but", you are saying the victim deserved the harassment. Again, words mean something, and yes, I agree, context is everything.

If you imply that Anita isn't innocent then you are saying she, at least in part, deserves to be harassed. See how that works? Words, they mean something! Also, you keep bringing up Zoe, but I am talking about Anita. What exactly is it that Anita has done that makes her somehow guilty of deserving rape threats?