
I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one that is into late night/early morning baking!

Only it wasn't the statement that you used when you started this thread. But nice try deflecting. Just admit that you were wrong, it's really quite a nice experience once you get over your manhurtz, I promise.

So have a subjective and biased view on a topic and keep calling it an argument? Ok, got it.

It's not MEN looking younger than their age it is PEOPLE - certain people just have lucky genes and thus look younger. This is true for both men and women. Have you SEEN Julianne Moore lately? She looks a good ten years, if not more, younger than she is. And Susan Sarandon - she is in her 60 and is still as fresh as a

"Even in the face of overwhelming evidence." No, this is clearly not a case of someone being falsely accused. Nice try though - you really are committed to trolling today, aren't ya, sweetie?

A relationship doesn't start with marriage though, does it?

Gosh, of course - we all know how HARD white South Africans were hit by decades of Apartheid, which stripped them of their basic human rights... Oh wait - I think I am mixing something up here, aren't I? /s/

I don't know about Nigeria, but the Algerian team got special permission to break their fasting for the Germany - Algeria game. Apparently most of them chose still to fast, but were able to eat during half time since the sun had officially set. At least this is what German media said on that topic.

Hey, I wasn't defending the guy's behaviour, was I? Calm down.

I have no idea how Ballack sounds when he speaks English - the accent might not be very noticeable then! It's just when he speaks German (a language that I already find pretty unsexy) that it comes out SO strongly to my accent-free German ear. I guess to me he just looks like so many German dudes that he seems nothing

It's fine, I'm pretty immune to it now that I am an adult. It used to hurt me when I was in my teenage years. But yeah, people do such sometimes - I just wish we would stop with all that passive-aggressive bullshit!

You are right, I mixed it up with Anhalt-Saxony - no need to print a map of my own country, I am German, I just didn't know the English terms for our federal states well enough. I've never heard of racist tendencies in Niedersachsen, ever, and I was born and lived in Germany for 26 years, my father lives in Hannover

Waaaah, my sister does this on a slightly less aggressive/forthright scale! Or at least she used to do it - here is the crucial part! - when I was clearly less heavy than her and has stopped now that I've gained quite a bit. So, basically, your friend seems insecure about her own body and in fact envious of your

But to be fair, as a non-baby having person I cannot count the amount of times an aggressive mum with a stroller has rammed the wheels right into my heels because I wasn't fast enough to jump out of her path. Not cool.

Man, I hear you! I currently live in a city that is pretty tourist-heavy and it's soooooooo annoying how people will just stop in the middle of the street, blocking off the path for everyone, and take pictures for minutes without moving an inch! It's as if city tourists don't understand that there are real people

I am German, so I obviously want our team to do well, but seeing how strong some of the other teams are I'm a little bit worried. We aren't really that good at playing a quick game, and so far the tournament has been exceptionally speedy, so I'm nervous. At the moment, my bet is on the Netherlands taking it. I do very

Man, I get the "you don't have a child so how dare you say ANYTHING regarding child rearing or parenthood to meeeeeee" from my sisters all the time! I've been a part-time nanny to a couple of children and a patiently babysitting aunt for over 10 years, but apparently I still don't understand what it's like to take

Also, the US team's coach is German. So they are being trained by a "nazi", I guess.

Nah, it's pretty much even really. Every country has their own form of shitty racism, sadly.

Lower Saxony was former GDR territory. Due to them not having grown up in a multi-cutural environment and with less liberal education there is MUCH more racism and xenophobia remaining. Don't judge all of Germany by the former GDR territories, ESPECIALLY Saxony is breeding ground for neo-nazis, sadly.