
General rule of thumb for me: If they have an iPhone and appear to be using a lot of it's features. Thumbs up. If not, you're making iPhone users look bad. Get out.

I was hoping the rewrite would reduce the installer size.

Problem? ;)

Provided that the planet is tilted like ours, we get seasons because of the tilt. If this planet doesn't have tilt (Or an elongated orbit for that matter) the seasons will stay the same.

Alas, Women can now be allowed to access Facebook whilst serving kitchen duties. Brill!

That awesome moment when the website is down. Lolz.

Where is your God now?

PLEASE TELL ME HOW THIS IS DONE. I could troll so much >.<

non-upgradability has a reason, it makes the notebook as light, thin and compact as it is. I wish I could afford one, I think it would be outstanding!

This offer:

What about native blu-ray playback? I have a blu-ray laptop :/

I'd rather have a phone that the manufacturers were the first to bring them kind of technologies to a mainstream product. That's Apple. All the new GSIII features are all copied from the iPhone, that's disappointing. I want to see a new phone, not a fu­cking clone.

Challenge accepted.

The driver is meant to prevent collisions... pretty useless if he can't even see. Oh and what will this car do if an emergency vehicle is approaching?

Wait no, It will still be 4:3 because the human vision is binocular, you can't just work it out like that the same image has to be on both eyes.

24:9 = 8:3 It's only double the width of 4:3

Wtf since when does Apple own Steve Jobs??? If anything is the family of Steve that should sue, not the company he doesn't even own anymore. As far as I'm concerned; whether the models sell or not has NOTHING to do with Apple AT ALL. He's an icon, he doesn't belong to a company. Much hate for some idiots on this

Can I be the pope?