
I was 13 when the original movie came out. I was a bad Catholic school girl, about to be confirmed, and my parents asked me what gift I would like for this milestone...I replied “I want to go see The Exorcist!” AND MY PARENTS ACTUALLY TOOK ME! I was also the church organist (insufferable child prodigy) and I would

Dating Pete just sounds exhausting, TBH... 

Never had a kid, never wanted one. I’m a musician, and my life has always been 100% about music. I did marry, though- 7 years ago at age 56, but marriage was never a goal of mine... we just did it to save on taxes after selling and buying another house! Practical reasons, ya’ll....

I play piano at a prominent private club in downtown Los Angeles for a breakfast speaker meeting that regularly features politicians, business leaders, etc. Last month the speaker was RFK Jr. And did I mention that this club is HEAVILY Republican? (the old guard, Reagan type of Repub). ...hey, it’s a gig....

I thought the same thing.

Russell Brand used to take yoga classes with me back in the Katy Days...there were ALWAYS swarms of paps waiting out in front of the yoga studio every day...I can imagine that would be a drag!

As a Hollywood denizen, I have long been messing with these fools! Why, just the other day, as I drove by one of their temples of hell, I rolled down my window and asked one of the poor malnourished drones who patrol the grounds “WHERE’S SHELLY!????

I was in a fairly well known punk band many years ago- when I played to big audiences, you can barely see the crowd anyways due to the bright lights. Miranda sounds like an asshole.

I’m 63 and comment often, though I’m always in the grays!

What’s up with the ads for Scientology on Jezebel???!!!!

I met my husband on Match back in 2011. I can’t tell you how many “first dates” I went on, where I couldn’t imagine myself KISSING the dude, let alone SLEEPING with him- it’s a total numbers game. I had canceled my membership, had one week left before it expired, and I saw a guy that liked the same kind of music as

I have been a ballet pianist since I was a teen. The stuff I’ve heard teachers yell at young children “You’re too fat! Tell your grandma not to feed you so much!” (to a little girl who was being raised by her grandma, since mom was a junkie) would break my heart. I wouldn't want my kid in this world.

OOOH! Lana will be my neighbor! Evan lives up the street from me!

Utterly FOWL, more like it!

I live in Hollywood, and have seen the craziness of this cult up close! One of their offices is on Hollywood Blvd, and my friend worked at a bar right next door. At 2:00 am every night, a bus would pull up, full of uniformed young people, and they would commence cleaning the windows of the building. In the middle of

I changed the locks after she ripped me off. That’s why she was mad! But wouldn’t ANYONE change the locks after being ripped off?

She’s still awful. We move in the same circles. She’s exactly the same person she was in her 20's.

I’m a musician as well, and in the early 80's, I rented my shared rehearsal space to her. The day after she got the keys, half the equipment was stolen. I barely knew who she was at the time- I was then informed she was a huge junkie who had stolen many other items from mutual friends. years later, I moved to LA to

I had the profound (mis)fortune of knowing Courtney for 40 years. In the early 80's, she burned thru the entire city of SF, ripping off everyone I know, myself included. She’s always been a horrible person. How anyone looks at her with any respect at all befuddles me. 

having run into Chaka at certain “rooms” in LA, I can safely attest that she is a real piece of work....